Waiting list

14 December 2023 09:00-16:00

Thursday, 14 December

Ignite Pilot Sales Training Program 

Join us for this comprehensive full-day workshop tailored to B2B sales, with a dedicated focus on guiding startups through the journey from initial matchmaking meetings with corporate or public sector entities to successful pilot projects. Our workshop aims to equip you with the essential tools to secure more successful collaboration deals.

In this full-day pilot sales workshop you will learn:

  • The importance of formulating common and measurable goals
  • How to map stakeholders and decision-makers
  • How to carry out a professional needs assessment
  • How to present your solution so that it matches customer’s challenges and business pains
  • The success factors and the different criteria used by the public sector and private companies e.g. the decision-making processes and the procurement rules
  • How to deal with opposition, negotiate the pilot price and close the deal

During the workshop, you will also have the chance to share experiences with other startups.

This workshop has been created together with our Head of Sales Training Christian Malmsten, one of Sweden's most experienced B2B startup sales coaches. He will also facilitate the workshop.

How does it work?

  • Register to participate in the workshop
  • We will arrange a 45-minute interview with you prior to the workshop. The interviews will be conducted over the phone on Tuesday, 12 December. Please specify your preferred time for the interview during registration.
  • The full-day workshop will be held online on Thursday, 14 December, from 9:00 to 16:00.
  • The workshop will be followed up by individual coaching with an expert business coach

Who can participate?

Startups that have signed up for Ignite Sweden are welcome to participate in this workshop. Please note that startups that have previously had meetings with potential customers at an Ignite matchmaking event will be given priority to join, as we have limited capacity with only 4 spots available for this full-day workshop.
Unfortunately, we cannot admit startups that are currently participating in an incubator program. Your participation is funded by Vinnova. More info below.

Waiting list

Ignite Pilot Accelerate Program

Thursday, 14 December
9:00 - 16:00
Digital on Zoom
Questions? Contact us at info@ignitesweden.org


Your participation in this workshop is made possible by the funding we receive from Vinnova (referred to as "verifieringsmedel" in Swedish) to support the commercialization of your innovation.
Once you receive the email confirmation that your startup has been accepted to this workshop, our team will contact you with instructions on how to proceed to access the funding that covers the cost of the workshop. 
Click here to read more about this funding here

Due to this funding, we cannot accept startups currently participating in an incubator program with any of the incubators that are a part of Vinnova's national incubator program Excellence.

Please note that a 2000 SEK no-show fee will be charged directly to your company if you fail to inform us that you cannot attend within 48 hours prior to the workshop.

Meet our Head of Sales Coaching

Christian Malmsten

Christian is the mastermind that has developed the unique methodology behind Ignite’s successful sales process that has led to over 230 collaborations between startups and corporates. For the last years, he has coached the startups that have taken part in our initiative on how they can best sell their solutions to B2B customers such as large corporations and municipalities. Christian is an experienced coach and salesman who has worked in sales for 26 years and helped over 300 startups within areas such as IT, ICT, sustainability, and life science for over a decade.

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